Hypoxia is the undersupply of oxygen in the body, as it happens in high mountains. Due to the reduced air pressure at high altitudes, the body has relatively less oxygen available in the same amount of inhaled air. In order to compensate the reduced oxygen supply, our body sets various processes in motion. It begins to produce in the course of so-called acclimatisation, for example, and strengthens respiratory and circulatory activity. This promotes oxygen transport and absorption in the blood, stimulates metabolism and releases more energy.

These acclimatisation processes begin after only a few days in hypoxia and intensify the longer and more intensely the body is exposed to hypoxia. When the body returns to a normal level with the usual oxygen saturation, the processes are not stopped abruptly, but remain active for a few days (up to five weeks depending on the individual) before they slowly fade away because they are no longer needed. 

The processes described have a number of positive effects, such as increased performance, improved energy metabolism, and much more. That is why hypoxia is used as training in various areas of life and many success stories have been written with it in the past. More about this in the individual application areas:

In order to use the many advantages as efficiently as possible, hypoxia can also be generated at home using a generator. A filter removes oxygen from the ambient air sucked in and then blows it into a tent. By regulating the filter performance, the oxygen content can be specifically controlled and a wide range of altitudes, up to over 7,000 metres, can be simulated.

Je nach Zielsetzung schlafen Sie über eine bestimmte Anzahl von Wochen im Höhenzelt, das ganz einfach und bequem über Ihrem Bett aufgebaut wird. Die Schlafhöhe wird nach einem ausgehändigten Plan, der sich aus unseren langjährigen Erfahrungswerten ableitet, progressiv gesteigert. Für ein optimales Ergebnis werden Sauerstoffgehalt im Zelt, Puls, Sauerstoffsättigung und Atemfrequenz ständig gemessen. So wird ein höchst effizientes und individuell zugeschnittenes Höhentraining erzielt. Und das alles bequem von Zuhause aus während Sie schlafen. Sie haben keinen Mehraufwand und werden erstaunliche Ergebnisse erzielen. Hypoxietraining leicht gemacht